Our Mission

Mesh Dental Network is the touchstone Dental Partnership Organization (DPO) that is transforming the traditional DSO model by putting dentists first. Retaining majority ownership, our dentist-led community of partners maintain control of their practices and receive the support of professional business management partners who share growth and operational goals. By partnering with the Mesh network, dentists not only gain more efficiencies, year-over-year growth, and guidance by industry-leading experts, they also gain a community of their peers who are committed to their mutual success.

Why Mesh?

Flip the Script

A Strategic

DSOs invest in practices; Mesh invests in doctors. With our unique Partner First™ business model, you maximize your financial return by retaining majority interest in your practice. As a partner with Mesh, you still have the final word in your practice, supported by the greater dentist-led community of partners to help you lead your team, build your brand, and enjoy the improved results from our collaborative efforts. We provide the support you need so you can practice for yourself, not by yourself.

Why Choose Mesh?

Why Choose Mesh?

Flip the Script

Goals Change,
Our Values Don’t

At Mesh Dental Network, we believe in putting dentists first. As part of the dentist-led community of partners, you gain industry-leading practice advisors, enterprise-grade services and structure so you can set aside daily operational tasks to focus on your patients. As your practice and its goals evolve, you can trust the Mesh team to work in tandem, partnering with you every step of the way.